Earlier this month we celebrated as another of our students earned his GED! Chandler came to us in November of 2019 looking for classes to attend so he could earn his GED and, Lord willing, get a new job after Covid shut down his previous workplace. He made earning a GED look pretty easy, passing all four sections in just two months. We are so thankful for the time Chandler was in classes with us and look forward to seeing him walk across the stage at Graduation in the coming months. Great work, Chandler!
Praying for The Learning Center
Just eleven days left before our semester is over! Please continue to pray for our students, volunteers, and staff. Pray for safety and health as well as perseverance and fortitude to finish the semester strong!
It's the Final Countdown!
Every time we start a 12-week semester I think it will never end. Then I blink and it’s over. That’s exactly how this semester as gone. We have just two weeks of class left, followed by one week of assessments and our 2020 classes will be done. It’s safe to say this semester was not what we thought it would be when we initially planned it in 2019 but, here we are! By the grace of God we’ve assisted 39 students with studies through the classroom and online instruction. We’ve lined up another 13 students to potentially begin with us in 2021. We’re thankful for the semester we’ve had, the way the Lord has worked in it, and for everyone who has made it happen!
What's Next?
Our 12-week semester ends next month on November 19. The week of November 17-19, students who have completed enough hours will take an assessment to see how they’ve progressed over the past 12 weeks. We will host another initial assessment for potential new students on Wednesday, December 2. All students will be back for mini-term classes in January and we will begin our next full 12-week semester on Tuesday, February 16. We’re so excited about the rest of this semester and to see what 2021 will hold! (Can I get an “amen” for being done with 2020?!?)
Ways to Pray
One month from today, our semester will be done! Would you commit to pray for The Learning Center over the next 31 days? General prayers for continued perseverance of our students, volunteers, and staff are always great. If you would like more detailed ways to pray, please email us at info@bhamlearning.org!
Assessment Results
Last week we hosted 9 potential new students at The Learning Center. They completed their first assessments and met with us again this week to complete intake interviews and get started in classes. We are so excited about the potential we see in these new students and look forward to seeing what the Lord will do in and through them!
Fall Semester has started!
School’s back from Summer! We kicked off our Fall semester yesterday. Our enrollment has grown to approximately 25 students this semester. This means we’ll be covered up with students and volunteers all semester and we’re looking forward to it! Please pray for our students and staff and feel free to come by and see us if you’re interested in getting involved or just want a better idea of what we do here. Our hours are Tuesday through Thursday, 8a-3p.
About us ...
The Learning Center aims to serve others in the name of Christ by assisting with education needs. Our desire is to show God’s love while also empowering our students to recognize that they are created in God’s image and are both worthy and capable of success. We have seen discouraged and skeptical students come through our doors. Over time they recognize this is a place where they are loved and their best interests are at the core of the decisions we make with them. Students, even those who enter with doubts, leave knowing they are loved by the Lord and the people here. We are thankful to them for giving us the opportunity to be a part of their success.
Student Success
Since Graduation on May 21, we have not slowed down! Three students have passed sections of the GED. Teccia passed Language Arts and is now studying for Social Studies, Christie passed Social Studies and is scheduled to take the Science section later this month, and Xavier passed Social Studies and is working on his only remaining subject … Math! We are, as always, proud of these students and their accomplishments. We can’t wait to celebrate more with them, and the rest of our students, in the future!
GAIN Assessments Today
Today (and every first Wednesday of the month), we have potential new students joining us to complete the GAIN. GAIN stands for “General Assessment of Instructional Needs.” This helps us know a student’s approximate education level and how we can best get them started in our program. We currently have seven potential new students who have signed up to join us for the GAIN today. We are looking forward to meeting them and, Lord willing, getting them started in our program!